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White rainbow.jpg

White rainbow 白い虹

After the rains, a white rainbow illuminates another world.

Sumi ink on Washi paper

35cm x 135cm

original work sold

premium print on cotton rug paper AU$280 (15.5cm x 60cm)

The first call

I had been looking for you for long time.

You were born inside me and have been living inside me.

I was born inside you and have been living inside you.

When we become one, everything disappeares.

Sumi ink on Washi paper, edging of artwork framed with Kimono fabric
90cm x 180cm



Let go [放下着]


You are scared of losing

You are scared of changing

You are scared of not knowing


Let go



Sumi ink and watercolour on Washi paper, edging of artwork framed with vintage Kimono fabric

90cm x 180cm



A place of Peace  2016

Sumi ink and watercolour on Washi paper, edging of artwork framed with vintage Kimono fabric
83cm x 131cm


Where we meet  2013


The place where we meet, only we know. Our sacred place.



Sumi ink and watercolour on Washi paper, edging of artwork framed with vintage Kimono fabric

91cm x 269cm


Power of presence

Living in the moment
Living in harmony

Sumi ink and acrylic on Washi paper, edging of artwork framed with vintage Kimono fabric
45cm x 150cm



In an oak

A wise old owl lived in an oak.

The more he saw, the less he spoke.


The less he spoke, the more he heard.

Sumi ink and watercolour on Washi paper, edging of artwork framed with vintage Kimono fabric

78cm x 175.5cm




Sumi ink on Washi paper, edging of artwork framed with vintage Kimono fabric
92cm x 82cm


Gentle attraction

Sumi ink and watercolour on Washi paper, edging of artwork framed with vintage Kimono fabric
84cm x 130cm


Junko work 1.jpg

Ever since

Sumi ink and watercolour on Washi paper, edging of artwork framed with vintage Kimono fabric
84cm x 120cm



Don't stop dreaming

Sumi ink and watercolour on Washi paper, edging of artwork framed with vintage Kimono fabric
60cm x 85cm



Sound of dewdrop

You are not alone

Always looked after

Believe in yourself

Listen to your inner voice

Live in courage

Sumi ink and watercolour on Washi paper, edging of artwork framed with vintage Kimono fabric

148.5cm x 75cm


Peace with the unknown


Sumi ink on canvas

146cm x 90cm




I want you. I want all of you.
I need you. I can’ t live without you.
I want you inside me.
I could hurt you. I want you.
You are mine and you will live inside me forever.

Sumi ink and watercolour on Washi paper, edging of artwork framed with vintage Kimono fabric
72cm x 175cm


The light in snow

Colours and sounds are disappearing
Into the snow.

I am in the place light cannot reach.
I cannot see. I cannot feel.

Is there an end?
Am I waiting for nothing?
The space no one knows.

I am not in control but looking for somethimg.
I know this is just an illusion.

Silence, darkness and solitude.

Yet I realise I am talking to you from here
And you exist inside me.

Watercolour and Sumi ink on Washi paper, edging of artwork framed with Kimono fabric
90cm x 180cm




Where we meet


Sumi ink and watercolour on Washi paper, edging of artwork framed with vintage Kimono fabric

84cm x 171cm





You and I

Becoming One


Live together

Laugh together

Cry together


Living as One

Growing as One

Creating as One


The strength that leads to the future


Living together

You and I

Finding meaning in life together



Sumi ink and watercolour on Washi paper, edging of artwork framed with vintage Kimono fabric
140 cm x 170cm




Sumi ink and watercolour on Washi paper, edging of artwork framed with Kimono fabric
102cm x 51cm



Sumi ink on Washi paper, edging of artwork framed with Kimono fabric
70cm x 140cm


in harmony.jpg
in harmony 2.jpg

In harmony 天地人


There are three basic elements of the cosmos that have always been respected in Japanese culture. The first is “” - heaven,  the second is “” – earth, and the third is “” - man. They are known as the three elements that create harmony within the meaning of “The timing of the cosmos, the use of the earth, and the heart of the people”.


When these three elements are in harmony, things flow well, smoothly and successfully so in olden times Japanese warriors would make sure that these elements were in their best possible state when they made important decisions or proceeded in their battles. In the same way, when things don’t seem to work, you can reflect on the three elements and redesign or re-plan your intentions. Sometimes it is best to wait for the right timing or sometimes you will realise the intention itself should not be carried out.


Copper, acrylic, Sumi ink on canvas, edging of artwork framed with vintage Kimono fabric

81.5cm x 244.5cm (triptych)


Existence  2015


You made me a goddess in countless stories

And a little boy made me a mother


This land gave me a place to be


I was born from nowhere

And I will disappear to nowhere


Sumi ink and watercolour on Washi paper, edging of artwork framed with Kimono fabric
76cm x 78cm


The eternities  2015


We know this rain will stop sometime

as the endless petals of cherry blossoms will fall one day



Sumi ink and watercolour on Washi paper, edging of artwork framed with vintage Kimono fabric

46cm x 92cm



Harmony [和]  2009

Strength and beauty can adapt.


We have always believed in ourselves
And loved what we have made.


A new world inspired by harmony with this place.

We will continue to grow together
Because there is a future in this direction.

Sumi ink and watercolour on Washi paper,
edging of artwork framed with Kimono fabric
140cm x 170cm (diptych)


Another world  2016

Sumi ink and watercolour on Washi paper, edging of artwork framed with vintage Kimono fabric
43cm x 22cm, 43cm x 22cm, 43cm x 22cm (triptych)




Now is the time

Sometimes wait and see

Sometimes try hard

Sumi ink on Washi paper

43cm x 43cm (framed with mat board & glass)



Your own light

It is your light

that lights the world.

- Rumi (1207-1273)

Sumi ink and watercolour on Washi paper, edging of artwork framed with vintage Kimono fabric

45cm x 78cm






I see myself in you

Faithful mirror

You and me

Sumi ink and watercolour on paper

Vintage kimono fabric around the edges of the frame

58cm x 88.5cm


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